Sunday, September 23, 2012

To not know.

It's that time of your life, when you have what you want but you unconsciously take things for granted. You want to get what you want, but perpetually forget the others expect the same. 

When that is not delivered, your heart deliberates. Mine did; hence this piece of poetry.

To not know.

Many things that has been in you,
Many that I've not known of.
But it kills me inside to know,
that you're dying within.

Of no use is this love.
If I not be able to care.
For all the little joys you gave,
A little more you deserve to share.

Very little you talked to me,
But embraced my weak adoringly.
Where was my heart filled love?
While you burnt in agony?

Too much you'd burnt,
And much far you'd gone.
Too little have I learnt,
to see your open wounds.

But now I'm awake,
and cautious of all I see.
And I see what's been ignored,
is a large lock to which you're the key.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Lost Cause.

Lost in thoughts and dwelling in sorrow, I needed a pen and paper to borrow. 
According to me, the little said is the more expressed.

Lost cause.

It kills me to see you've gone,
It thrusts me to learn you were never my own.
You gave me hope, strength and calm.
Where have you faded and caused such harm?

It kills to hear you say goodbye,
best will be if you never heard me cry.
I cry over and over for nights,
Can't kill this feeling, can't kill this fright.

You've gone away in real,
But it seems highly unreal.
The dimming hope I had for life,
is now fading with a queer rife.

Will live in denial,
Will die in this aisle...
Will love on and on,
No matter you stay or be gone.

That thing so atrociously vague,
Resembles plague.
Much of which shall not slake,
As this feeling is up on stake.

To you I rest my heart here on,
You assured me of a very new dawn.
Since my nights are to be darker than rest,
I believe my darkness will be my crest.

Teach me love, teach me foul.
Teach me to live without a scoul.
My heart paces just to yours,
Now damaged, in need for cures.

Love is when I loved you,
It was when life felt new...
Now I have a handful of ash,
And memories many that'll forever flash.

May you find happiness and joy!
Pray that it will never destroy.
Shall you find the perfect one,
If not me, a better chosen one.

Full Stop.

We all know that our society is filled with superiority of men, inferiority of women.
But why equalize ourselves to men?
Why are they our benchmark?
We need to grow and be our own benchmark.
Women and men are both creations of the Supreme, we are merely his interpretation and have no rights to undermine anyone's existence. Embrace life.


No! Let me go!
I'm just a girl-
meek, vague and low.
Also a power you'd never know.

I am growing, and
my power grows slow.
When I illuminate it,
You'd all know.

I have it in me.
Yes, you’re yet to see.
But when I will show you,
Be an era new;

Now you are master,
I'm merely your slave...
When it will grow in me,

You'll dig, your own grave.

Monday, September 3, 2012


In Assam, a 16 year old girl was molested in public by a mob of over 20 men. In Mangalore, a group of girls attending a birthday party were beaten by men belonging to a religious outfit. In Mysore, a young girl was pushed off a moving train when she tried to ward off men who were making sexual advances at her.
These are just a few of the many assaults being made on women in the past few months. They have been happening at such regular intervals that it almost seems like a trend that is catching up across cities in the country.
 So here is the trend of the 21st century-Misogyny.
The dictionary explains misogyny as hatred, dislike or mistrust of women. The recent events that have surfaced raise a question; are Indian men developing a kind of misogyny towards women? And if they are, what is the reason for it?
The answers to these questions are not easy to find,it may even be impossible. But what is more important than finding answers, is to come up with ways to control men who want to become moral policemen and take law into their own hands. A law which, in the first place, does not exist.  Nowhere in the constitution of India is it mentioned that women are not supposed to visit bars or hang out at parties and have fun. When it is not so, who is anybody to beat up women let alone stop them? Such acts only portray that men are trying to be dominant and keep their hold on women. And what they also portray is that these men have no sense of respect for women and that they need to be taught a lesson.
  And if the laws and rights, that are said to be made predominantly for women and children, do not protect them, then where should the women look to for support?
Grace Jaya.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Humanity exists or not...???

Finally I understood that i am living with two kinds of souls i.e. people who has humanity and another one is those who doesn’t care about humanity. In our daily life surely we would have gone through something which made us to recognise meaning exists in humanity. Today when I was travelling with my friend, saw from far that one accident had took place and I know it’s just a minor and everything will get to normal before I reach that place but something was there which made me to yield knowledge. I saw and realised that, there were some people who was staring at them instead of helping and some wants to help but something which was stopping them to help and some was busy with their own life, behaving like nothing happened and lastly two people came out from that crowd to help. When I noticed and clarify that why those people who wanted to help couldn’t do was because of police case kind of thing which scared them to help.
These shows still there are some people who have tending and befriendly nature and which can only keep humanity alive and will keep humanity alive. This incident might be the small one but very attractive and attentive which enables me to learn something.