Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Full Stop.

We all know that our society is filled with superiority of men, inferiority of women.
But why equalize ourselves to men?
Why are they our benchmark?
We need to grow and be our own benchmark.
Women and men are both creations of the Supreme, we are merely his interpretation and have no rights to undermine anyone's existence. Embrace life.


No! Let me go!
I'm just a girl-
meek, vague and low.
Also a power you'd never know.

I am growing, and
my power grows slow.
When I illuminate it,
You'd all know.

I have it in me.
Yes, you’re yet to see.
But when I will show you,
Be an era new;

Now you are master,
I'm merely your slave...
When it will grow in me,

You'll dig, your own grave.

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